10 Sequels That Contradicted The Previous Movie's Message

5. Logan

Rambo First Blood Rambo First Blood Part II Sylvester Stallone
20th Century Studios

In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Charles Xavier's opening monologue asks the question regarding predestination. Is the future truly set and can people change their destinies? This debate is expanded upon in one sequence where Beast theorizes that time is like a river; you can cause ripples but the current will always correct itself.

But at the end of the movie, the actions of Mystique and her change of heart prove that the future is not set, and that with enough ripples you can change the course of history forever as Wolverine wakes up to a 2023 where the X-Men live in harmony.

Yet in order to adapt the famous Old Man Logan comic, 2017's Logan undoes Days of Future Past's happy ending. In the distant future, Mutants are nearly extinct while the X-Men have been killed by Professor Xavier in a psychic-induced seizure. It is a bleak and uncompromising 2029 that sets the tone for Wolverine's final movie.

Though the film itself is great, no doubt, it does prove Beast was right about time. Though the X-Men did change the future temporarily, their fate, along with Mutantkind's, will always end on a sad and tragic note.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.