10 Sequels That Ruined Great Movie Endings

8. Kick Ass 2

Kick-Ass 2
Universal Pictures

Kick Ass 2 should never have been made. Yes, the story continued in the original comics series, but that didn't mean there had to be more films. After all, the first flick was markedly different from its source material, and cut away most of the rougher edges in favour of a more hopeful ending where Dave gives up his desire to be a hero and lives a regular life.

It's not just that Kick Ass 2 upends that resolution, but that it does it in the nastiest way possible. The development of all the characters ranges from asinine to downright ugly, as Dave's father is killed, he loses his girlfriend, and Chris from the first movie transforms from a bumbling idiot super-villain into a psychopathic rapist.

Despite being major changes on the surface, none of these developments actually add anything, and they don't even succeed in being button-pushing like they were in the far edgier source material. Instead, it ruins the characters established in the first film while losing the grounded sense of humanity that made it so successful.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3