10 Sequels To Popular Movies That Nobody Watched

3. Shock Treatment

American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules
20th Century Fox

The Rocky Horror Picture Show had a troubled start. Releasing in 1975, it was quickly withdrawn from theatres planning to show it due to consistently low turn-outs in those that did. Audiences who did see it were perplexed by its incomprehensible plot and compared it unfavourably to the stage version that came before.

Over time, thanks to a series of midnight screenings, the movie found its audience and took on a life of its own. Before long, people were attending showings in droves, dressed in character, shouting lines and singing along to the musical numbers. Suddenly, The Rocky Horror Picture Show went from D.O.A to cult classic to bona fide phenomenon.

Recreating the effects of something so important was never going to be easy. Despite Richard O'Brien and Jim Sharman once again taking on writing duties, with Sharman directing, this sort-of-sequel never came close to achieving a cult following. The movie sees Brad and Janet return (portrayed by different actors) as they find themselves held captive on a game show. However, it was dubbed too safe considering what preceeded it, as well as, of all things, too nonsensical. Let's do the time warp again and forget this one ever happened.


The fourth best writer living in Bristol named Alexander Erting-Haynes. When not writing, found shamelessly gushing about Majora's Mask, The Office (UK) and Shaun of the Dead.