3. Henry Jones Snr. Needs To Bring Down A Plane; Murders Countless Seagulls To Make It Happen - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
In the third and final (yes - I said final and I meant it) Indiana Jones movie, our hero is caught up in a quest to find the Holy Grail, and is accompanied by his father - the world's foremost expert in grail lore - Henry Jones Snr., as played by Sean Connery. Together our pair must go up against the Nazis, narrowly avoiding death at every turn. During one part of the movie, father and son find their way to a secluded beach, where a fighter plane approaches, ready to fire its machine guns and send them both straight to hell. And then Henry Snr. has an idea - he remembers his Charlemagne. He puts up his trusty umbrella, and runs towards a flock of seagulls positioned halfway down the beach. The seagulls are, of course, freaked out by the sight of an insane, old James Bond running towards them, and take to the sky, where - as planned - they fly into the attacking fighter plane, bringing it down with an explosion as they get caught in its propellers. As great as this moment is, though, everybody seems to forget one thing: Henry Snr. just violently massacred a flock of birds. Okay, so he didn't have many options, but it's a horrifying act of animal cruelty, nonetheless. No wonder Indy stares at him that way: it's not admiration, it's pure, unadulterated terror.