10 Serious Dick Moves From Otherwise Awesome Movie Characters

2. Superman Proposes To Be Hero With Moral Code; Breaks Supervillain's Neck Anyway - Man of Steel

Man Of Steel Zod Man of Steel is the latest attempt to bring Superman to the big screen in a way that people might enjoy, but you can be the judge of whether or not it proved to be successful. In Man of Steel, Clark Kent spends much of his time avoiding being Superman as possible, because he's not sure how he fits in the world. That's until bad guy Zod plays up, chewing the scenery and making threats to terraform Earth into another Krypton in the wake of its destruction (which we see at the beginning of the movie). Which means Clark has no choice but to don the outfit and fight. Which results in a massive, CG-rendered battle, of course (movie courtesy of Zack Snyder), one which presumably contributes to the deaths of millions of people, given the unbelievable damage that said battle ends up inflicting on Metropolis. The end only ends when Superman manages to get Zod in a headlock, though Zod uses the opportunity to create a nasty moral dilemma: let him go, or a family will get fried by his heat vision. What on Earth will you do, Superman? Instead of relinquishing his enemy, Superman snaps Zod's neck like a twig, killing him instantly in so he can let a few people go. Though he shows real remorse at having done such a thing, it's a bizarre little moment that doesn't really match up to anything that has led us to this point. There's no context as to why it was okay for Superman to kill Zod. Was it really justifiable for him to break his ingrained moral code? For those reasons alone: Uncool, Superman. Uncool.

All-round pop culture obsessive.