10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

gennaro-toilet Cowardice; one of the more reviled human traits. The most basic definition of cowardice is "showing a lack of courage in facing danger, pain, or difficulty", meaning that being a coward doesn't necessarily mean explicitly showing fear, it is simply not doing the most courageous thing when times get tough and generally doing it for personal gain. Movies are full of cowards. Deceitful, spiteful wimps who don't care about others and/or whose actions are detrimental to everyone but themselves. I'm not talking about characters like the Wizard of Oz's Cowardly Lion here - that guy meant no one else any harm - I'm talking about those who don't face up to things despite knowing that the consequences could be terrible. On that note, here are ten shameful moments of extreme movie cowardice...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.