10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

10. Juno Leaves Beth For Dead (The Descent)

beth-descent Early scenes in The Descent show Juno speaking intimately with Beth's husband, Paul, whilst on a vacation in Scotland. Later that day, whilst they are rafting, Paul decides to help Juno instead of Beth when they get in to some trouble. On that same vacation, Paul is killed in a road accident. It is later revealed that Juno was having an affair with Paul, after he had given her a pendant with the the inscription "love each day" - a saying of his reserved for those he loved - and Beth is angered by this. However, she says nothing to Juno about it. Whilst caving in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA, they are all attacked by primeval cave-dwelling creatures - known as 'crawlers'. The group scatter and the crawler rips out one of the girls' - Holly's - throat. Another girl - Sarah - trips and falls and passes out. Seeing that Holly is still alive, Juno tries to defend her from the crawlers, but in the confusion, she swings around, only to stab Beth through the neck with her pickaxe. Beth grabs Juno's pendant (revealing her knowledge of the affair to her) as she drops to the ground, but Juno cowardly stumbles away in shock as Beth reaches out to her. Juno eventually locates two other girls - Sam and Rebecca - and rescues them from a crawler. Juno tells them she may have found a way out, but will not leave without Sarah (neglecting to mention Beth). The others reluctantly agree to help her search. Meanwhile, Sarah awakens and encounters the mortally wounded Beth, who tells Sarah that Juno wounded her and left her. Sarah does not believe her until Beth gives her Juno's pendant, which Sarah finds out to have the words "love each day" inscribed on it - revealing Juno's affair with Sarah's husband. Beth, in extreme pain, asks Sarah to euthanise her, and Sarah reluctantly complies.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.