10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

5. Terrorists Use Human Shields (Iron Man)

iron-man-civilians In war-torn Afghanistan, Tony Stark - CEO of Stark Industries - demonstrates his company's new 'Jericho' missile to the American armed forces. Following the demonstration, Stark's convoy is ambushed and he is critically wounded by one of his own missiles; he is captured and imprisoned in a cave by the terrorist group the Ten Rings. From the cave in which he is being held, having been kept alive by fellow captive Yinsen, Stark is told to build a Jericho missile for the terrorists. Instead, however, he builds himself an armoured suit which he uses to escape. Later, he returns with an upgraded suit, at which point he finds the terrorists treating the locals despicably. He defeats several of them, prompting the remaining few to cowardly use the locals as human shields. Stark's high-tech suit works round this problem, by simultaneously identifying and targeting the terrorists heads and shooting them dead with meticulous accuracy, saving the hostages.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.