10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

6. Ephialtes Runs To The Persians (300)

ephialtes Ephialtes is a deformed hunchback in exile whose parents ran away from Sparta. Hoping to redeem his Father, he volunteers to Leonidas to join the army, initially displaying fearlessness, enthusiasm and a strong spear thrust. Unfortunately for Ephialtes, his deformity means he finds it impossible to raise up his shield high enough to be a part of the 300€s impenetrable collective barricade, so Leonidas politely rejects him - saying he can help the army in other ways. Unhappy at this reaction, Ephialtes cowardly heads to Xerxes €“ the leader of the opposing forces €“ and betrays his own country to get a reward. Ephialtes tells the Persians about a pass that only locals know, allowing them to surprise the 300 and exploit a vulnerability. At the end of the movie, he clearly regrets his decision to betray Leonidas and the 300 and is overcome with guilt when Leonidas offers him kindness despite his betrayal, but it is too late.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.