10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

3. Paris Crawls Back To Big Brother (Troy)

paris-troy Following peace negotiations between Troy and Sparta, the Trojan Paris elopes with Helen, the wife of Spartan King Menelaus. Subsequently, Menelaus recruits his brother King Agamemnon of Mycenae - and, through him, many of the great heroes of Greece - to launch an attack on Troy. Agamemnon welcomes this pretext, as he has long contemplated a war against the Trojans and is happy to use this as an excuse. When the armies arrive on the beaches of Troy, they kill many Trojans and desecrate a sacred temple and a statue of Apollo. Believing he could end the potential war by fighting Menelaus one on one, Paris challenges him to a fight to the death. However, when Menelaus dominates him and cuts his thigh open, Paris retreats, cowardly crawling back to his brother Hector and begging at his feet. Menelaus sees this as the breaking of a pact, attacks Paris again, and is killed by Hector, prompting the war to start anyway.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.