10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Star Wars 7

5. Luke Has Joined The Dark Side

Most are saying that Mark Hamill's return to the role that made him famous €“ besides The Joker, anyway €“ despite him not doing a lot will involve him...still not doing a lot. In fact the most popular theory is that the older, wiser Luke Skywalker will provide a similar role Alec Guinness's Ben Kenobi did in the first film, passing on his knowledge (and possibly his lightsabre) onto a protege. But what if they try something completely different? Thirty years is a long time. What if, without the guidance of either Ben or Yoda, Luke goes a little off the rails? There's a precedent for it in the Skywalker family, what with all that nasty Anakin/Darth Vader business. Perhaps things didn't work out so well for him after the fall of the Empire. Maybe the allure of power was just too much. On-screen photographs suggest that Luke spends some time locked up in a sort of interplanetary jail. Some speculated he was put in there by the bad guys, but what if he was put in there because he was a bad guy €“ and Daisy Ridely breaking him out is either hugely misguided, or a bad 'un herself? Twisting the Original Trilogy's purest character into pure evil would be pretty ballsy. And cool.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/