10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Upcoming Movies

8. Azog Will Kill Thorin €“ The Hobbit: There And Back Again

In Tolkien€™s Middle-Earth Azog the Defiler is long dead by the time Bilbo Baggins and the dwarfs head for the Lonely Mountain. In Peter Jackson€™s world, he survives the Battle of Moria and returns with a vengeance, hounding the unexpected party before heading to Dol Guldur to lead Sauron€™s forces. Thus far, there€™s been no real justification for having Azog in the action. He adds nothing to the narrative in the first two films, beyond personifying the orc threat. There was already a chase element in Tolkien€™s text courtesy of the goblins, vengeful after the murder of their king, and The Desolation Of Smaug even had the books' actual orc villain, Bolg, replace his father. So that must mean we€™re yet to see his true purpose, which has to be seen in There And Back Again. While there€™s plenty of things he could do, there€™s one action in particular that would make up for one of Tolkien€™s dramatic oversights. Thorin, the leader of the Erebor dwarfs, dies in the Battle of the Five Armies, but as the conflict (men, dwarfs, elves and eagles against orcs) is mostly skipped over in the book, his killer is faceless. Richard Armitage can€™t have such an ignominious ending and thus an old nemesis is required for the job. The big question now is who will kill Azog. As here's no impetus to stick close to the book any more, my money's on Bilbo.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.