10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Star Wars: The Last Jedi
9. Luke Skywalker Is Evil
Having Snoke as an Emperor substitute and Kylo Ren as Darth Vader 2.0 is far too predictable and has to be a ruse. There's a good reason why the former resembles the hologram from The Wizard of Oz in The Force Awakes.
The Force is strong in a fan theory which presents Luke Skywalker as the sequel trilogy's big bad, the secret mastermind behind Snoke, Ren and The First Order.
It isn't confirmation that Luke wants to end the Jedi that has sparked rumours of the character's Dark Side shift, nor is it Yoda having hinted at this transition in the original movies; it's mostly the way the hero has been presented in marketing materials.
On The Last Jedi's teaser poster, Skywalker is shown looking less than heroic, bathed in Sith Red in a position which mirrors Darth Vader's on A New Hope's poster.
Disney has fanned the flames of conjecture by allowing IMAX to tweet a dual-sided promo standee with light and dark segments, and Luke positioned in each. The studio clearly wants fans to speculate about where the character's allegiances will lie.
Another popular theory surrounding Skywalker is that he's now a 'grey' Jedi who draws his abilities and ideology from both sides of the Force, something he perhaps deems necessary to thwart the latest threat to the galaxy.
Although this is a credible idea, his descent to the Dark Side would be a twist worthy of "I am your father" and give Rey a neat three-film arc comprised of finding Luke, watching Luke turn, and bringing Luke back to the light.