10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Upcoming Movies

7. Asgard Will Be Destroyed - Thor: Ragnarok

Kylo Ren Double Agent
Marvel Studios

Ragnarok literally translates as the Norse apocalypse, so that doesn't bode particularly well for Thor and his third solo outing.

Add to that the scenes of mass destruction and the evil Hela shattering the thunder god's favourite hammer in the trailers, and it's safe to assume the realm of Asgard is about to take a battering of mythical proportions.

Thor is putting a team together, and even though it's got Hulk in its ranks, there's a good chance Asgard won't survive the film intact. It was once destroyed in the world of Marvel Comics and later rebuilt in the US state of Oklahoma - could this be the beginning of these events playing out on screen?

Quite likely, because trailer footage from Avengers: Infinity War, shown behind closed doors at Comic-Con, found Thor looking like a man without a home, floating unconsciously through space.

And then there was the Norse hero's prophetic dream during the events of Age of Ultron, in which a blinded Heimdall warns him that all of his kin are in Hel.

One thing is for sure, it's the end of Asgard as we know it.


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