10 Shocking Horror Movie Monsters You've Never Heard Of

6. Teketeke - A Legless Wonder

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Art Port

I am inclined to believe that ghosts are capable of floating and thus having no legs isn’t such an inconvenience - Teketeke is here to prove me wrong.

The film is based on a real Japanese urban legend about a ghost missing the lower half of her body after falling onto a railway line and being bisected by a train. Though the film opts to change her backstory slightly (to make it even worse, can you believe!) the basics stay the same. She is an onryō, AKA a vengeful spirit, and she lurks around in the streets and near train stations waiting to claim the lives of those who come into her path.

As far as urban legends go, this is a pretty good one. It has all the elements you need: a catchy name, a simple backstory, a motive for killing and a creepy associated sound (the scratch of her hauling her body across the pavement). The film even goes as far as to up the stakes a bit, adding a bit of lore in that if you survive a chase from Teke Teke you will die three days later.

Her appearance is striking, her lore is bang-on frankly I think she’s criminally underused as an idea. You may never have heard of her before because her film appearances aren’t exactly award-worthy, but I bet you’re glad you know now!

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