10 Shocking Horror Movie Monsters You've Never Heard Of

5. The Manor - Very Very Old People

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Prime Studios

There are certain folks out there who just find the elderly unnerving. Maybe it’s something about being reminded of your own mortality, or the constant fear of losing one’s sense of independence and autonomy. Or maybe it’s because sometimes old people can be really freaky.

Part of the Welcome to Blumhouse anthology for Prime video, The Manor revolves around a care home with a dark secret. Protagonist Judith is moved into the home following a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, but soon becomes suspicious over the deaths of her fellow residents and an ominous figure she sees looming in her quarters.

You would think that this would be the classic case of a vengeful spirit - perhaps the ghost of an elderly person who died due to mistreatment or neglect in the home coming back for revenge. Instead the film takes a very different turn, more akin to The Witches than The Ring.

The monsters here are a ring of witches, topping up their life forces by sucking the life out of the care home’s residents. Every night they get to enjoy their youth again before shrinking back down into their elderly bodies at sunrise.

The biggest shock of all though is that Judith decides to join them…

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