10 Shocking Horror Movie Monsters You've Never Heard Of

3. The Borderlands - The Building Is The Monster

raatma VHS94 thumb
Metrodome Distribution

Buildings and structures can be scary in a haunted way or a physically uncomfortable way usually. They make you fear them because of what they contain or the way they could contain you - think the sort of fear the Overlook Hotel would give you, versus the Nutty Putty cave (seriously, Google it.)

What buildings usually can’t bank on making them scary is their personality or malicious nature, and that is because buildings of course aren’t sentient at all. Imagine the shock and surprise then when audiences reached the end of British horror The Borderlands, and found that the movie’s central church has been the baddie all along.

It seems that the building has a life of its own, something ancient and Pagan. It’s no use doing cleansings or exorcisms, there’s no ghost or demon here to expel and restore the church’s sanctity; the whole thing is rotten.

Our protagonists meet their gruelling demise as they crawl into a small passage, attempting to follow the third member of their team. As soon as they’re inside the passage closes behind them and begins to move, contracting and flexing its membranous constitution.

They die screaming as the ghastly structure dissolves them with acid, swallowing them into its dark belly. If that isn’t a shock outcome I don’t know what is.

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