10 Shocking Horror Movie Monsters You've Never Heard Of

4. The Incredible Melting Man - The Melting Fella

raatma VHS94 thumb
American International Pictures

I feel the title sort of ruins the surprise in this one but hear me out anyway, who reading this can honestly say that they’ve seen 1977’s The Incredible Melting Man? Not many people, so I bet you’ve never heard of him until now.

It’s a simple but effective premise: combining sci-fi, body horror and zombie-esque ideas all in to one lovely, gooey package. The melting man in question is an astronaut, who develops this rather unfortunate condition on returning from a flight to Saturn.

During his trip he was exposed to radiation that has caused his body to start melting from the outside in, now driving him to commit a series of murders in order to consume human flesh and survive.

There are a lot of things to fear when going on a trip to space, but usually these fears include getting stuck out in the great nothing or maybe encountering scary aliens who want to harvest your organs. Melting because of a bit of space UV is definitely a new one on me…

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