10 Shocking Moments From Family Films

6. Yeller Dies - Old Yeller

A classic weepie that has an enduring, tear-stained legacy, Old Yeller is the indelible tale of a young boy and his dog, Yeller, who have lots of fun adventures, at least until the dog gets rabies, and is them summarily executed by the eldest son of the family, Travis, in what serves as a potent coming-of-age tale. It's another film that sets up such a nice concept, and then brutally pulls the rug out from under us in act three; we get so emotionally invested in the relationship between the boy and the dog, that by the time Travis has to shoot his own pet, there's nary a dry eye in the house. Also, the filmmakers decided to drag out the drama compared to the book; in the novel, Yeller is killed almost as soon as it is discovered he has rabies, but in true cinematic style, this is milked for every possible tear they can get out of you, such that when Travis finally pulls the trigger, it is all that more devastating. Still, at least Travis gets a new puppy at the end.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.