10 Shocking Movies That Will Scar You For Life

5. Irreversible

Martyrs movie

Gasper NoƩ is a man who knows how to draw a reaction. The director has helmed some of the most dizzying, anxiety inducing cinema you're likely to see, and back in 2002 he directed a movie containing a scene that scarred the very fabric of celluloid. You'd do well to even watch it once, or you might better off just not watching it at all.

The movie, told in reverse chronological order, follows two men seeking vengeance for the disgusting rape of a young woman in an underpass. What you're rewarded with for watching the movie is the decimation of someone's head by a fire extinguisher, and the unblinking 9 minute long take of a character's rape and assault. It's grim, painful, and shockingly extreme.

It'll take more than a few whiskeys to erase that scene from your memory, not just because of what the scene depicts, but in the way it's shot. But the movie isn't just about this scene, it's about the consequences of our actions and the shocking lengths people go to for revenge. Either way, it's rough.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.