10 Shocking Movies That Will Scar You For Life

4. The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)

Martyrs movie

There is absolutely nothing redeeming in any way, shape, or form, about The Human Centipede movies. They're dull, disgusting, and pointlessly violent. Arguably this entry could be talking about the trilogy as a whole, but let's not needlessly examine more rubbish movies than we need to. We'll stick to the second entry in this unlikely trilogy.

The Human Centipede II is a perfect example of they did it because they could. Not because they should. Not because it was a good idea. Just because, they could and sadly they did.

Initially the BBFC refused to classify the film because of its obscene use of violence, and there's a lot of it. It's remarkable to think that the movie we're currently able to see in the UK has actually been edited in some way, because it is still awfully graphic. What makes the graphic nature worse is that the movie has no substance whatsoever.

Though the first movie was rubbish, but at least it exercised a very mild form of restraint. Human Centipede II does no such thing. Why does it exist? What is the point of it? Why for Gods name is it in black and white?

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.