10 Shocking Reasons Actors Quit Movies

5. Health Concerns Over The Required Weight Loss - Christian Bale (Ferrari)

Thor Love and Thunder Gorr Christian Bale
20th Century Studios

Christian Bale is known for being a tenacious performer and never one to shy away from a challenge, enough that he's lost considerable amounts of weight for numerous roles throughout his career.

Bale most famously shed pounds to play the emaciated protagonist of The Machinist, but also slimmed down massively for roles in Rescue Dawn and The Fighter, while often following them up with parts that required him to have a bulkier frame (such as the Christopher Nolan Batman movies and American Hustle).

Before it finally released with Adam Driver in the lead role last year, Bale was initially attached to star in Michael Mann's Ferrari, though dropped out in early 2016 due to concerns over the amount of weight loss required to play Enzo Ferrari.

In more recent years Bale has spoken about the mental and physical toll of his yo-yoing weight, and so for the sake of his long-term health, he's effectively retired from roles which require him to lose or gain excessive amounts of mass. 

As unexpected as this was to hear from an actor as pathologically committed as Bale, can you blame him at all?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.