10 Shocking Reasons Actors Quit Movies

4. Dennis Hopper ALLEGEDLY Pulled A Knife On Him - Rip Torn (Easy Rider)

Thor Love and Thunder Gorr Christian Bale
Paramount Pictures

In Easy Rider, the role of boozed-up lawyer George Hanson was originally written for Rip Torn, but things quickly went south when he went for dinner with filmmaker-stars Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda to discuss playing George.

Hopper reportedly began ranting about "rednecks" during the dinner, which enraged the Texas-born Torn, enough that he and Hopper almost got into a fight, and Torn decided to leave the film.

In a 1994 interview with Jay Leno, Hopper claimed that Torn pulled a knife on him during the altercation, prompting an irate Torn to sue Hopper for defamation, claiming that Hopper was the one who in fact pulled a knife on him.

Ultimately the court ruled in Torn's favour, requiring Hopper to pay a total of $950,000 in damages, the implication being that Torn's account of events was correct, and he quit Easy Rider because Hopper threatened him with a blade.

It's a shame for Torn, given that his replacement, Jack Nicholson, received a career-launching Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for his performance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.