10 Shocking Reasons Actors Quit Movies

3. Not Getting Requested Script Changes - Kim Basinger (Boxing Helena)

Thor Love and Thunder Gorr Christian Bale
Warner Bros.

It's not uncommon for actors to walk away from movie roles due to "creative differences" during the developmental process, but it's rarer that they try to slink out when shooting is imminent.

Kim Basinger agreed to star in Boxing Helena, the directorial debut of David Lynch's daughter Jennifer Chambers Lynch, swiftly signing on following the departure of Madonna the month prior.

However, as the filming start approached, Basinger began requesting major changes to the script, primarily intended to make her title character "less of a bitch." With Lynch failing to make the changes, Basinger ultimately quit the film.

Though Sherilyn Fenn was eventually cast in her place, Basinger's sudden departure led to a lawsuit which cost her an eye-watering $3.8 million, leaving her bankrupt.

While, again, it's not strange for actors to request script changes, for Basinger to sign onto a project with prominent enough script issues that she ended up bankrupting herself rather than simply do the role as written, you have to question her thought process from start to finish.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.