10 Signs Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Is Ripping Off Harry Potter
8. Returning To The Place Of The Original Sin
In Deathly Hallows, while Harry and Hermione are wandering aimlessly from place to place, a sudden idea occurs to Harry: to go back to where it all begin. The trip to the village of Godric's Hollow, where Harry’s family used to live and were killed, initially brings them within an inch of their deaths. But by the end of the ordeal, they had found their new direction.
Our heroes in Rise of Skywalker appear to be following a similar playbook. In the trailers, we see a return to the second Death Star, the site of the final battle of the original trilogy where at long last, Anakin Skywalker fulfilled his destiny, becoming the one to restore balance to the force.
With so much history surrounding the place, perhaps the Resistance will find its path to victory hidden somewhere amidst the blood-stained wreckage, just as Harry did at Godric's Hollow.