10 Signs Warner Bros. Have No Clue About Batman V Superman

10. Bruce Wayne€™s Parent€™s Death (Again)

There's been three iterations of Batman on the big screen and countless more in animated form. And in those various versions we've seen a lot of the same things. So imagine the excitement when it was announced Batman V Superman would feature a much older, wearier Dark Knight, promising a new direction for the hero. Sadly it seems like it's still managing to fall back on the old tropes. Even though there's so many exciting elements of the character to work with, Batman V Superman will once again have an origin story. Seriously - as if seeing the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne in Batman, Batman Forever, Batman Begins, Gotham and Batman: The Animated Series wasn't enough, set leaks reveal audiences can expect the same again with Dawn Of Justice. Now, Batman's origin story is a great one and makes Bruce Wayne, who could be a rather unrelatable character, one of the most interesting superheroes. But audience's know it by heart. When Ben Affleck walks on screen, grimacing in the cape and cowl, no one was going to wonder where he came from. Yet for some reason Snyder felt his film was in dire need of a back-story, just for that one person who somehow hasn't seen a Batman movie.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.