10 Signs Warner Bros. Have No Clue About Batman V Superman
3. The Whole Thing Rests On This
Batman V Superman is a frigging great idea for a movie. Even though there's a lot of apprehension about how it'll actually turn out, you can bet come 2016 everyone will be queuing up to get the official answer to the biggest playground/bar debate of all time. Sadly Batman V Superman isn't just Batman fighting Superman. As the subtitle Dawn Of Justice suggested and the subsequent announcement the D.C.'s slate up to 2020 confirmed, it's really a jumping board to their shared universe. This hurts the film two-fold. It provides the motivation for all those auxiliary additions - "if Aquaman pops up to say 'hi' then everyone will go see an Aquaman movie" is the flawed logic at work here - that distract from the main reason everyone's bought a ticket. But more important than that, it puts a lot of pressure on the movie - the rest of the series relies on this. This is how it traditionally works with franchises, but when the next nine movies in the series are planned it's a little precarious; a cock-up now would waylay the movies already in production and cripple the whole endeavour. Man Of Steel under-performed and really didn't grab audience's attention, which makes this movie, that would in and of itself be a sure thing, a bit of a gamble.