10 Silly Villains That Ruin Serious Horror Movies

6. Isaac - Children Of The Corn

Deadly Blessing
New World Pictures

The many works of Stephen King have been adapted into movies both serious and silly, but Children Of Corn feels confused in whether its trying to be one or the other. The setup is quite serious in tone and theme, but the main villains of the movie ruin any serious tone the film may have been going for.

Whilst the disappointing reveal of the deity – ‘He who walks behind the corn’ - can be attributed to terrible visual effects of the era, there is no excuse for Isaac; the child who leads the others in killing their parents. Isaac was portrayed by John Franklin, an adult actor with dwarfism, who’s acting style is nothing less than insane. He continuously screams scripture throughout the movie in such a pompous manner that becomes a parody of the ‘preacher’ character that Isaac is supposed to be.

His wild performance of a religious zealot ruins any serious tone the other actors trying are trying their hardest to maintain. Because of this, Isaac single-handedly turns the movie from a horror to a ridiculous comedy. This earned the movie a cult status with its fans and a multitude of sequels instead of becoming swiftly forgotten, but it definitely goes against the serious tone that made King's original story a hit with his audience.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.