10 Silly Villains That Ruin Serious Horror Movies

5. Calux - Truth Or Dare

Deadly Blessing

Truth Or Dare was an idea that was pretty much dead from the drawing board. It’s very evident that the makers behind the movie came up with the concept first and had no idea how to make it into a serious horror film.

The whole premise of the story is a demon who plays Truth Or Dare with deadly consequences. Regardless of silly plot device where an ancient demon called Calux uses a children's game to torment people, the worst aspect of this villain is the overuse of a 'demonic smile'. This technique has been used many, many times again in cinema since the '20s, so much so that its appearance in the present day is overused and unappealing. Everything that Blumhouse does to try and make Calux scary ends up unintentionally parodying existing media because the 'scary smile' is overused: its icon looks similar to the character Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, and the possessed smile looks like Aphex Twin's album covers. It ruins any chance of the demon being scary.

Truth Or Dare could have been so much more if the makers had leaned harder on the silly concept and made a comedy, but as it is now this movie is a complete mess with a villain that stands out for all the wrong reasons. It was panned by audiences, but hopefully the planned sequel does better with the concept.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.