10 Silly Villains That Ruin Serious Horror Movies

3. A Cat - The Black Cat

Deadly Blessing
Italian International Film

Lucio Fulci’s The Black Cat is an enigma of his career. Fulci was one of the most prestigious names of horror cinema by the time the '80s came along, so that fact that in between masterpieces such as City Of The Living Dead and The House By Cemetery comes a poorly received slasher film about a killer kitty is somewhat puzzling.

The Black Cat was one of the sillier movies he made. Its plot revolves around a murderous cat who kills people in the English countryside. This premise could have worked if it was made with something like a Panther or even a Maine Coon in the antagonist role, but Fulci used an ordinary black house cat. Although a black cat has a historical context with witchcraft, the phenomenon of internet cat videos prove that cats aren’t scary in the slightest.

Having such a cute villain kills the tone of a really serious Giallo horror movie. Any scene where the film tries to make the cat seem scary is ruined by the fact that its a normal house cat doing the terrifying. Scenes where the cat opens doors and chews through grates trying to get to its victims are just adorable and in no way scary in the slightest. It may have been scarier back in the day, but today’s audience can’t take the movie seriously anymore.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.