10 Silly Villains That Ruin Serious Horror Movies

4. The Cross-Dressing Killer, The Incubus, And The Amish - Deadly Blessing

Deadly Blessing
United Artists

Deadly Blessing is one of Wes Craven’s earlier films before he gained notoriety in the '80s with Nightmare On Elm Street. This movie is also one of Craven’s craziest project with a plot that revolves around a fire and brimstone Amish community, a woman who refuses to sell her land, a demon called an incubus, and a spate of killings that shakes the community to its core. It’s far from Wes Craven’s best movie, mainly because there's too much going on, but it's worth a watch for the three crazy antagonists alone.

The first is Isaiah Schmidt the Amish patriarch, played by an unhinged Ernest Borgnine. He accosts Martha in an attempt to buy her land calling her an incubus, a legendary demon, when she refuses to do so. His character is more of an annoyance than the 'evil preacher' he's meant to be, and Borgnine’s overacting makes the character laughably entertaining.

The second is the slasher villain, whom is revealed to be a transexual psychopathic member of the Amish community. This reveal is not only offensive, but very lackluster because it comes out of nowhere, gets absolutely no fanfare, and adds nothing to the plot.

The final strike is just when the movie finishes as it turns out the incubus is a real thing. It comes to drag Martha away to hell for no reason at all, leaving an absolutely bewildered audience as the credits come onscreen.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.