10 Silver Linings To Godawful Films

8. Raúl Juliá's Performance - Street Fighter

Even for the standards of video game adaptations, Street Fighter is a certifiable dud, and often cited as one of the worst movies ever made. Despite the solid casting of Jean-Claude Van Damme as Guile, we had to put up with Kylie Minogue playing Cammy, some truly dodgy Blanka make-up, and a braindead plot that made little sense and garnered even less interest. The single silver lining, however, is the outrageously hammy performance by Raúl Juliá as the movie's villain, M. Bison. But why exactly would an actor of Juliá's caliber star in something so evidently wretched in the first place? Tragically, the acclaimed character actor was dying of stomach cancer, and opted to take the role at the request of his two children. It's no surprise as a result that Juliá's hilarious work on the film was widely praised even by the movie's detractors: he seems to be the one guy completely aware that he's starring in a terrible movie, and even with his illness having clearly taken a toll on him physically, he gives it his all and manages to bow out with his head held high.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.