10 Silver Linings To Godawful Films

7. Rosario Dawson Gets Nude - Alexander

Oliver Stone has always been a hit and miss filmmaker, yet his R-rated Alexander was one movie we thought we could count on to be a lively and gratuitously entertaining epic. Strangely, though, the director mostly squandered the adult potential of his movie (think a higher-brow, less-stylised version of 300), instead indulging himself with ludicrously verbose dialogues and a punishingly long runtime that makes it more a chore to sit through than anything. Many prominent critics compared the film to a historical documentary, and they're right: it's an incredibly dry, academic effort, and due to its lack of any clear cinematic flair or appeal, it's hard to see why any studio was crazy enough to spend $155 million on it. That said, one brief moment that's sure to wake audiences up is the nudity of Rosario Dawson's Roxana, who ends up as Alexander's (Colin Farrell) wife in the movie. During an uneasy romp between the two, we get to see a lot of Dawson, and it's easily the most disarming and eye-opening part of the movie: pretty much everything else is drab and painfully protracted.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.