10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Amazing Spider-Man 2

1. Too Many Subplots Spoil The Broth

What€™s TASM2 about? It€™s about a guy who needs to solve the mystery of his parents€™ disappearance but feels guilty about breaking a promise to his girlfriend€™s dead father so splits up with her only for her to accept an overseas scholarship and the guy€™s aunt has money troubles so she goes back to nursing and the guy€™s best friend€™s dad (maybe) dies because of a genetic illness and said friend becomes an enemy and turns on him but he€™s double-crossed by his own company and a fan who becomes obsessed with the guy becomes angry at him because€ you get the point. To its credit, the film zips along fairly nicely, but there are an exhausting number of plots and subplots that undermine its overall cohesion and render it something of a hodgepodge. The easiest fix for this film would have been to shed and simplify, as some tacked-on story threads were unnecessary and faintly ridiculous €“ we€™re looking at you, Roosevelt treasure hunt, mid-air collision crisis and German Dr. Evil. It all seems so simple after the fact, but what has become fairly evident post-release €“ particularly in light of the wealth of deleted scenes, cutting out Shailene Woodley€™s planned appearance as Mary Jane etc. €“ is that the people behind TASM2 didn€™t have a clear sense of direction going in. Throw enough mud at the wall and some of it€™s gonna stick, but you can€™t avoid making a mess. Here€™s hoping Sony regroup and make the most of their stellar property in the near future. Agree? Disagree? As usual, the floor is yours.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.