10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Amazing Spider-Man 2

6. There Is Such A Thing As Bad Publicity

It wasn€™t so much the case in the past, but in an age where film distributors are combatting the dual threats of piracy and the changing face of media consumption, marketing has become a fundamental part of the moviemaking machine. In part also due to the increased importance of appealing to an international audience, many studios now fork out more money promoting their films than it cost to make them in the first place. As such, it was no surprise to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hyped up by numerous trailers, posters, TV spots and more, but it€™s also one of the better examples in recent times of marketing gone awry. The entire promotional strategy behind TASM2 seemed predicated on setting up the Sinister Six, and alarm bells started ringing the second it became clear that Spider-Man would face several foes. Furthermore, the sheer volume of teasers, trailers and clips became exhausting very quickly and may have contributed to the overall sense of Spider-Man fatigue indicated by the diminishing returns of each new adventure. Furthermore, several lines of dialogue and scenes shown in the advanced publicity didn€™t make it as far as the finished cut, partially misleading cinemagoers and proving that Webb was still trying to figure out his movie in the editing room (never a good sign).

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.