10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Amazing Spider-Man 2

5. Bring Back The Bugle

TASM2 gave us a glimpse or two of the Daily Bugle €“ a front page here, an email there €“ but plans outlined in an earlier draft of the script whereby Peter Parker€™s place of work had more story significance were brushed aside in favour of numerous pointless subplots (more on those later). This was a shame. In the movie we saw, Peter seemed to go from high school graduate to active freelance photographer in a matter of days, just as Gwen went from valedictorian to Oxford candidate in double-quick time and apparently hopped on a plane to England the second she was accepted. Late-in-the-day story changes were again to blame, and the result is we don€™t really get much sense of Peter€™s identity outside the suit. His job at the Daily Bugle is not only a fundamental part of the character€™s established history but an opportunity to see how he copes with the travails of day-to-day life. More to the point, no Bugle means no J. Jonah Jameson, thus missing out on one of the most essential and entertaining characters available in this franchise. Marc Webb€™s movies take great pains to distinguish themselves from Sam Raimi€™s efforts, but who wouldn€™t have been pleased to see J.K. Simmons reprise his role as Peter€™s irascible, arachnophobic boss? It would have given Spider-Man a different kind of enemy to worry about and Peter a character to help define his identity.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.