10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Amazing Spider-Man 2

3. And Get Rid Of Peter€™s Dad While You€™re At It

One of the more peculiar things about The Amazing Spider-Man was how the disappearance of Richard Parker (and wife Mary) was the engine that powered the film in the early stages but was then completely forgotten about halfway through. Nevertheless, perhaps stranger still is the fact that TASM2 picked up this loose thread and weaved it through the entire plot because€ we have no idea. The revelation that Richard Parker used his own blood in the experiments he carried out at Oscorp and only someone from his family could conceivably experience the tangible benefits was frankly a terrible idea. Essentially, it introduced an awkward element of predestination to one of the simplest and best known origin stories in superhero lore, making it a coincidence of ludicrous proportions (even by comic book standards) that Peter just so happened to be bitten by one of the spiders from his father€™s work. One of the biggest reasons why Spider-Man is a heavyweight superhero is that Peter Parker is an accessible, relatable character; a normal guy with everyday problems, who just so happens to get bitten by a radioactive spider. He still has to work for a living and take out the trash like everyone else. TASM2 short-changed the fundamental everyman quality of Peter Parker and shoehorned in a wholly unnecessary subplot to tie up a loose end no one cared about in the first place. Let€™s just leave the dads out of this.

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