10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Amazing Spider-Man 2

4. Give Up The Ghost Dad

Within minutes of us seeing Spider-Man in the thick of the action, we€™re also treated to the peculiar sight of Denis Leary staring at him like someone who€™s in the wrong movie. Which he is. In case you€™d forgotten, Leary€™s Captain Stacy breathed his last at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man, but not before eliciting a promise from Peter that he would stay away from his daughter €“ a promise he breaks inside ten minutes. So, quite rightly, Peter is feeling a bit guilty as the sequel gets underway, but was there really any need to repeat the beat and have Captain Stacy show up several more times? Some viewers liked this choice, but plenty found it to be jarring and a distracting sidebar to the action at hand, if not laugh-out-loud funny. It seems hard to believe that there weren€™t any number of more organic ways to convey the idea that Peter is struggling to reconcile his relationship with Gwen and the promise he made to her father, and removing Ghost Dad would have helped settle down a movie that often suffered from having an uneven tone.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.