10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Star Wars Sequels

5. Actually Show Us Anakin's Force Ghost Instead Of Just Using A Voice

Star Wars Sequels

Of all the many, many criticisms levelled against The Rise of Skywalker, the most vocal was that it undermined Anakin Skywalker's legacy, tarnishing a franchise that had once been about the rise, fall, and redemption of the Jedi who would become Darth Vader.

Not only did the Sequel trilogy fail to acknowledge the original Skywalker's pre-Darth Vader persona (seriously, there's no way Kylo Ren would have been unaware of his grandfather's redemption), it also gave Anakin's disembodied Force Ghost the most worst line in the film.

The first six movies in the Skywalker Saga were all about Anakin, so it makes absolutely no sense that he didn't make a significant appearance in the Sequel Trilogy. Return of the Jedi established that Anakin could appear as a Force Ghost, so his absence in the Sequel movies is startling, especially when you'd think he'd want to put a few things right after all the damage he caused.

Surely he would have seen that Luke's Jedi order was repeating the mistakes the Jedi made in the Prequel Trilogy, and warned him to change his ways? Episode IX made clear Force users need to open themselves up to communication to Force Ghosts, but you'd think Kylo Ren would have longed to speak to the grandfather he idolised, listening to his lessons about why following the Dark Side of the Force might not be the best decision someone can make.

Sure, a novel will probably explain this plot hole away by stating that Emperor Palpatine cut off Ren from Anakin's spirit, but seeing Hayden Christensen reprise his role would have been enough to salvage the trilogy. Concept art for The Force Awakens showcased an Anakin Skywalker Force Ghost still corrupt with the Dark Side of the Force, half-human and half-machine.

Not only would this have been the perfect visual analogue to Kylo Ren's wilful removal and wearing of his helmet, this interesting take on a Force Ghost would have embodied the key idea Anakin Skywalker and the Saga have always been about: bringing balance to the Force.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.