10 Simple Fixes That Would Have Saved The Star Wars Sequels

6. Swap Hosnian Prime For Coruscant

Star Wars Sequels

One of the most emotive shots of Force Awakens is Starkiller Base's destruction of several planets we learn, in a passing throwaway line, to be the Hosnian system.

This line is easy to miss, so fans would be forgiven for thinking that the only planet we see being destroyed up close was Coruscant, capital of the Republic in the Prequel Trilogy.

After all, the tell-tale signs are there: monumental skyscrapers as far as the eye can see, senators looking startled from a balcony, the fact that this planet was given particular emphasis as opposed to the anonymised destruction of the others in the system.

But it turns out the planet was not the same one we had formed an attachment to in Episodes I through III but rather a new, almost identical, location we had never heard of before. Coruscant's destruction would have elicited more of an emotional reaction from the audience, as fans would watch a pivotal planet which had survived the Empire crumble under a new regime before their very eyes.

The destruction of Coruscant would have also helped cement the themes of "letting the past die" the entire Sequel Trilogy worked toward. If JJ really wanted to stick another stake into the corpse of the Prequels, he could have even included a shot of distraught New Republic Senator Jar Jar Binks looking to the sky as he realised his imminent doom in real time. Ah, the catharsis.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.