10 Simple Fixes That Would Make Movie Trailers Awesome Again

7. Just Stop Doing Teaser Teasers

Who actually likes teasers for teasers? Has anybody ever sat through one of the ten-second clips and either felt more hyped for a movie than they were before or as satisfied as they would be waiting two more days for a proper trailer? Now, there have been some creative uses of this irritation - Ant-Man had a tiny "ant-sized" tease that was as cheeky as the film - but for the most part it's simply a cynical extension of trailer hype.

Of course, given how skewed online film journalism is to the pre-release hype it was only inevitable the unveiling of a new trailer will become an event in itself, hence why we've seen more and more of these advance notices of new sneak peaks premiering at major events, but whoever thought the trick of showing a little bit of the finished teaser was the best way to do it needs to go back to the drawing board.

I get the distinct impression that studios don't really know what they're doing with teaser teasers, at this point releasing them merely as a manner of course; they have an idea of what they want, but it's not been developed beyond a thoughtless Vine. There was even one released for The Huntsman: Winter's War, a movie nobody, not even Chris Hemsworth, could give a sh*t about. Did they think getting a split second of Emily Blunt as Elsa really change that?


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.