10 Simple Fixes That Would Make Movie Trailers Awesome Again

8. Get Rid Of Quick Fades To Black

God help you if you try to nip to the toilet once the trailers start playing. There's so many smash fades-to-black that cinemas may have to start providing strobing warnings just for the adverts and giving out free tickets for all the toes accidentally squashed.

The fade-to-black is one of those simple editing tricks that is at its core effective, but has been so overexposed and bastardised in recent years it's as visually affronting at the Inception-esque booms are audibly. It's now at the point where the effect has completely changed; instead of slowly building tension as originally executed, it's done so frequently and at such pace it's nauseating. Some films even have fades between the same shot, nullifying any purpose and doing it simply because editors now think audience require it.

Like any trope, some films do get it right - The Force Awakens is the obvious candidate - but as a general rule it's an editing trick that has become far too overexposed to have anything close to the original effect.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.