10 Simple Ways Joss Whedon Could Screw Up Avengers: Age Of Ultron

9. Under-Utilizing Nick Fury

Nick Fury is one of the most badass characters in the history of Marvel Comics €“ from black-ops spy to the head of a large bureaucratic organization that specializes in war, Fury has been a staple of the Marvel U since the 1960s and his on-screen counterpart has been the post-credit glue that kept Phase One together until The Avengers was finally released. He also happens to be played by the most badass man in Hollywood. So why did it seem like he wasn't really doing anything in The Avengers? I mean, sure, he shot down one of his own planes with a bazooka, and there was that one part where he gave a seconds thought to attempting to take down a helicopter with a handgun €“ but I think we can all agree Fury's role in The Avengers was largely a secondary one. He did a lot of talking, but not nearly enough of anything else. Sure, he may not be a central member of The Avengers, but that doesn't mean Fury's cinematic iteration should just sit on the sidelines. Even in The Ultimates €“ the series in which the cinematic Avengers find much of their foundations €“ Fury was a figurehead, but he would still be in the fight. Ideally, in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, this issue is remedied and Nick Fury is given a larger role in the proceedings. Even if it's just a larger look into his machinations of real politik to keep the team in line with his goals, a little something more from Fury would go a long way. I mean, having Sam Jackson in a movie and not letting him call someone a motherf€”ker is bad enough, but at least let him do something. If Joss misses the opportunity to use the character and the actor to their full potential again it would be quite the slight against Age of Ultron.

Writer, philosopher and evil-genius who loves writing about all things geek or newsy - while preparing for the inevitable robot-apocalypse. Trust me kids, it'll happen before the zombies. Follow him for non-sensical ramblings on Twitter @TheGospelofAsif.