10 Slasher Movie Clichés And What They Mean

9. Sex Equals Death

horrorcliche-sexdeath It's like that hilarious scene in Mean Girls - come to think of it, Mean Girls is hilarious full stop - where the inappropriate gym teacher tells his sex education students 'don't have sex, you will die'. It's very apt for the horror movie setting where having sex in a slasher movie more than guarantees your unfortunate fate. Ever since we caught that couple in the first Friday the 13th daring to have sex while little Jason Voorhees drowns away in the lake, there's been an inherent association that having sex in a slasher movie means that you're going to die. Maybe even while you're actually having sex. What's the reasoning behind this? Is it a long-standing way to stop teens having sex? Or maybe this is a representation of all the fears that teenagers have about sex, all coming together in a blend of death and libido that tells you that having sex in the middle of something scary might be a bit silly to say the least. Regardless, it breaches into sex-shaming and while sexually active dudes normally get away with it, if a girl has sex, she's instantly punished. Not cool.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.