10 Slasher Movie Clichés And What They Mean

8. Diversity Is Death

horrorcliche-diversity An uncomfortable fact amongst horror and slasher movies is the fact that unless you're a conventionally attractive white male or female, you're probably gonna die, horribly, by the time the end credits roll. Whether or not it's the ultra-restrictive Hollywood standards or some unwritten slasher movie code, if you're a person of colour in a mainstream horror, you're most likely to be the best friend, the aggressive jock or the horrible stereotype, all of whom will be brutally slain before the end. This cliche is more of a social than a meta issue - it's a rather worrying widespread state of affairs that so few roles are afforded to actors of colour but the fact that their characters are often such laboured archetypes and don't even make it to the end. Simply, a woman of colour final girl would be something fantastic in a slasher movie, particularly in a genre that has these Eurocentric standards for the characters to conform to if they have any hope of making it out alive.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.