10 Slasher Movie Clichés And What They Mean

3. Live Fast, Die Young

horrorcliche-teenagers Ever noticed the fact that your chances of getting killed off in a horror movie peak roundabout the 16-18 mark? Generally if you make it pass that milestone and make it past high school into college and beyond, your chances of survival rise and rise and rise. High school kills, kids. Actually high school kills kids. From the school-based slaughter of the Nightmare On Elm Street films to the more separated films that take place in cabins, camps, woods and house parties, just being a teenager in high school somehow makes you more likely to be marked for death, right on the cusp of becoming an adult and all the scary horrors that that entails as the characters begin to look forward to college. Generally slasher movies take place in the world of high school where the scariest things are facing the teens - growing up, becoming an adult, dealing with all those scary insecurities about sex, grades and popularity. Maybe the slashers are generally about teenagers because teenagers are the ones who will see it and gain a bit of dramatic catharsis. Besides it might help them feel better about their own problems.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.