10 Slasher Movie Clichés And What They Mean

2. Evil Doesn't Die

horrorcliche-evilneverdies As philosophical a concept as it seems, the idea of evil is as eternal as humanity - just as good people and good things never really die, neither does the evil. Horror films are very set on this concept. the idea of an ancient, immortal evil coming to plague and kill poor humans. Even in slasher movies, we've gone beyond human expectations of killing the bad guy - Friday the 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street have these villains that changed from being typical slashers into immortal horrors that it's near-impossible to survive, let alone escape from. For every ten one-shot blood-crazed killers, there's an omnipotent, omnipresent ghoul that survives everything. Evil doesn't die in a lot of horrors and slashers, largely because we're scared of always that dark thing around the corner, that unseen scary spectre or shadow that we can all fall prey to. Slashers generally provide a bit of catharsis - we triumph over inner demons by watching someone kill the bad guy - but the stinger of an immortal baddie leaves us with the knowledge that we'll have to keep fighting. Deep, much?
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.