10 Sleaziest Films You've Never Seen

1. Mad Foxes


Here’s the pitch: it’s Mad Max in 1980s Spain, with an Everyman taking revenge on the Swastika-wearing bikers who raped his girlfriend and killed his parents, but the violence is so cartoonish it’s laughable and the movie pauses every few minutes so the ‘hero’ can get naked with a woman who's just entered the plot for some reason.

Got that? Now speed up the chase sequences, put the reels in the wrong order and you’ve got Mad Foxes, a movie where logic, motivation and continuity don’t exist.

Looking like a collision between a poor man’s rape/revenge movie and a poor man’s soft-core sex romp, scenes are shuffled so that they don’t connect but haphazardly switch from one locale to another, with characters and story elements getting lost in the mix.

When he’s not hunting down Nazi bikers, our hero visits a golf course where he meets a woman who, for no particular reason, decides to get naked in public. Also for no particular reason, we then cut to the hero’s mother as she putters around her house – during which scene her blouse changes colour three times. 


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'