10 Sleaziest Films You've Never Seen

2. Ebola Syndrome


Misanthropic, casually misogynist and badly made, Ebola Syndrome is a comedy (it says here) about a loutish brute who, when he’s not shooting his load onto a steak he allows to be served to a complaining customer, wets himself in public, blows his nose on undergarments in a clothes store and berates hotel employees who’re unable to procure prostitutes for him.

He also rapes a Zulu tribeswoman (“these black babes are great!”), then when he’s diagnosed as having contracted Ebola, he shrugs it off and casually passes it on to most of Johannesburg and, later, Hong Kong. Eventually, he’s cornered by flamethrower-wielding cops and, transformed into a human torch, runs down the street screaming, “How dare you bully me!”

Any film whose ‘hero’ sucks out a woman’s eyeball before grinding her and her family into hamburger (which he allows to be served in his restaurant) could not, strictly speaking, be considered a laugh riot, and the violence is overall too stark to be funny. Then again, when was the last time you heard a film’s protagonist say, “Your wife bullied me, so I screwed her”? 


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'