10 Sleaziest Films You've Never Seen

7. Microwave Massacre


When a construction worker acquires a taste for female flesh after killing and eating his wife, he tells his psychiatrist, “I can’t make love to a woman unless I eat her.” Misunderstanding his patient, the psychiatrist advises him to stick to his current path, assuring him that chicks LOVE that sort of thing.

So begins Microwave Massacre, a comedy whose ‘hero’ says things like “I’m so hungry, I could eat a whore!” and throws dinner parties where he serves “Peking chick.” Eventually, his friends also develop a taste for cooked flesh, so it’s not long before he’s taking an axe to strippers and call girls he slow cooks to perfection in his microwave.

There are movies that present cannibalism as a shocking, taboo-breaking subject, movies that consider it fair game for gallows humour and then there’s Microwave Massacre, where naked starlets are smeared in grease and sliced in half. It’s not clever, not subtle and you certainly wouldn’t call it well-made, but there are enough echoes of Blood Feast and A Bucket Of Blood to make it worth a look.  


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'